Cyberdojo's Story
Backed in 2018 Gael Beauboeuf wanted to shared his knowledge to a large audience of Haitian. He decided to start a youtube channel where and created videos about several topics related to information technology. After several requests from his viewer to create a formal course Gael decided to scale up the idea by creating a school. Gael believe and Haiti vision which is L’union fait la force. So he decided to reunite different actor in the sector like Transversal, Haiticybercon, ILC and ANASIH to create a school focus on cybersecurity.

our program
What we do
At CYBERDOJO we believe that Haiti can create a pol of cybersecurtiressources and create a sustainable development via technology. Our Teacher speaks French,Haitian Creole and English. Our program are based on a competency based model which means each class is geared toward a specific certification. All our teacher have a master degree.
Start a career with us
Anyone, at any point of their career life independemment of their background ,rather they have a bachelor degree or not you can attend our class.A background in computer science is not necessary.
Be part of the future
2020 was a tough year for cybersecurity. Security teams had to secure remote work environments in a matter of days as the COVID-19 pandemic triggered widespread, extended lockdowns. Then, they had to maintain secure operations throughout the year without physical access to the resources they typically use. Meanwhile, ransomware attacks expanded in scale and intensity, sometimes making the majority of an organization’s computers unusable all at once, while also stealing sensitive data

Any Doubt?
Do you have any doubt if cybersecurity if for you?
No worry,schedule a career session with us and we will guide you and let you know what path your career can take